Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Do you ever get the feeling that you're being watched?

Who's that behind you?

It is 11:30 pm where I live right now, it's dark in the hallway, I'm sitting in my bedroom, and my dad is watching The Twilight Zone. This is causing me to feel some major creepy feels. 

I'm sure I'm not the only one who squirms down the hallway as fast as possible when it's completely dark. If I turn my back to my parents' room while it's dark, I feel like there's someone in there watching me. I dash into rooms with light while no one is looking so as to not seem scared. I try to keep as many lights on as possible and even if I stumble upon my cat in the hallway in the dark, my heart freezes for a split second. 

Is this a more sophisticated fear of the dark? Is someone really watching me? (most likely no...but you never do know do you?) Have I seen too many creepy shows for my own good? (probably) 

I don't know why I feel this (maybe it's because something from my childhood happened that made me afraid of the dark, maybe?) So please comment if you also feel like there are people watching you in your own house.

(Don't look behind you, don't do it!)  


  1. Oh my dear sweet TARDIS, Liz. YES. I get this feeling. But I always know what to do. TURN AROUND. LISTEN. YOU'VE GOT TO. You need to keep your eyes on it. I know what it is. I've seen it before. The only way to defeat it is to REMEMBER it. They're common - they really are - they're everywhere, but we're trying to get rid of them. Just... REMEMBER it.

    1. OH MY GOSH CREEPY! THAT GIF DID NOT HELP!!! AH! Now I'm creeped out...
