Once upon a time...

There were two girls...
     One had hair as golden as Grimm's Rapunzel, and was constantly smiling.
     The other had bright green eyes, and - when she wasn't talking - usually had her nose in a book.
After some time, these two girls became friends, but then the green-eyed girl had to move away. Miles apart, with only the chance of reuniting occasionally, the two friends - who shared a mutual love of Poppins and nonsensical words - decided to start a blog.
     Such is the story of Liz and Elly, and Supercalifragilisticexpialadoshus. Far away, yet still able to share their words, the two friends lived happily ever after.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh this is so cute! how have I not noticed this before?!?! :D
