Sunday, June 30, 2013

Desert Lobsters

No little green men, but there were desert lobsters. 

In fact, there was an entire restaurant dedicated to them:
Told 'ya.  

I'd like to say we were brave enough to stop in the little ghost mining town of Mina (or was it Luning?) to try some of the lobsters (which, after careful research, we discovered were actually just crayfish). Unfortunately, we had to keep going due to the fact that Death Valley - believe it or not - is really rather hot this time of year.

And need I remind you that my father and brother had no air conditioning in dear old Belle the Blazer. Huzzah for them! 


And at noon we reached Las Vegas, stumbled into the hotel and jumped into the [lukewarm] pool.

The temperature? 126 was the highest at about noon, and from about 10 till now, the lowest was 103. 

Tomorrow, we set out at 4 (which means we wake up at 3:30) for Flagstaff, Arizona, and after that - Albuquerque! [Finally].

I never thought I'd be one to say this, but I am actually TIRED of traveling. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Biggest Little City in the World

Hello, everyone!!!
 Yesterday afternoon the [best] movers [we've ever had] finished packing up everything until our house was completely empty. 
This morning we woke up at 4:00 in the morning and started our drive to Reno. We got here at 1:30-ish after my brother and my dad nearly died of heat in his infamous Blazer (which has no air conditioning).
To prevent further heat perspiration, we are getting up at ONE THIRTY AYE EM tomorrow morning and driving all the way to Vegas.
My dad pointed out that if we started driving now we'd make it to Sin City by 5:30. 
My mom vetoed that suggestion.

When I next write I will be in Vegas... Or Flagstaff... Or possibly in Albuquerque.

That is if we make it through Death Valley without being abducted by little green men.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Conflicted Apprehension

Someone asked me today if I was scared about moving. And I said NO, because I am not scared. Unlike most teenage girls, I do not worry about making friends. I do worry about leaving behind the ones I already have.

But tomorrow the movers come, and that is a little bit frightening. Just a little. ALL of the things in my room - except for the stuffage we packed in boxes and bags and suitcases to bring with us - are going to be thrown pell-mell into even more boxes and I will not see them until we unpack.

Not scared. Apprehensive.

NOTE: That blog post was from last night, but I couldn't POST it because the internet died. O__O

Monday, June 24, 2013

Of Novels and Big Black Boxes of Stuffage

I am rather busy today.

I can't even remember what I did this morning... hehe....... Wow.

BUT. Today - so far - I have finished packing my Big Black Box of Stuffage (All You Need To Survive a Two-Month Hotel Stay!) and my two suitcases of clothing.

Yes, Les Mis and Percy Jackson fandom shirts are a necessity. 

While I was having so much fun with that, I was brainstorming on how to make Chapter 5 of my novel exciting enough to kick off Chapter 6 which, IMHO, is rather thrilling. :D

Did I mention I was writing a novel? No? Well..... Yep. I am. 

OH MY GOODNESS, this was a boring blog post. We can't have that, can we? Let's brighten things up with a gif - shall we?
Posted Image

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lego Mis!

Something You Should Know About Me (S.Y.S.K.A.M):
I am obsessed with Les Misérables. So obsessed, in fact, that me and my brother, Matty, made an entire Lego Mis. We don't have very many views ( :(  ) So if you care to see it.... Here is the first episode!
And our second. :p
Can't resist the third.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Welcome, Earthlings

Hi! I am Elly Gard and this is my first blog. I asked my friend, Lizzy, to think of a fun word for the name and that is how we got supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, which we spelled wrong on the title. 

Oh well!

In a few days I will be moving from a green state to desert-y one. I shall try to post something every day, as I will have nothing else to do, except write.

I may skip I few days. I'm writing a novel - for realz! 

Also on this blog, you may find random lists (I like lists!), gifs, sometimes pictures, snarky comments and stuff. All of it will be supercalifragilisticexpialadoshus

NOTE: I will probably spell supercalifrajilisticexpyalladoshus different every time I write it. ;) And it is probably on purpose.