Regarding Elly

    Elly Gard is a fifteen-year-old writer based in B---, _____ _____. She enjoys the early 20th century, certain animals, traveling, strange languages, obscure words, and the BBC.
    She can usually be found either in her backyard hunting for lizards, or inside hunched over a historical fiction novel. She likes lengthy conversations, emotion evoking stories, deep plotlines, and realistic characters. When she's not fantasizing about traveling in the TARDIS, she's writing her own stories or at least plotting them.
   The authoress is owned by a cat named Jitterbug, and lives in this cat's house with her thirteen-year-old brother, a hyperactive border collie, a psychotic shepherd-dog-something, and her two supercalifragilisticexpialadoshus parents. She is obsessed with specific shades of the color blue.

   If you wish to contact her, please place an unaddressed letter in an unmarked mailbox in Denmark. It may end up in the hands of another writer, but they have a secret underground society and know how to correspond with each other.

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