Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Shool Hath Come...

Anyone who has seen the movie Megamind can appreciate the the title of this post.


School started yesterday. However, only two of my classes started yesterday -no not even two- one of my classes started yesterday. So I guess I've half-started school. Don't worry, I start another class tomorrow, another class the week after that, then on the 29th is... is... *shivers* calculus.

I am a senior this year. It is a blessing to almost be done with the torture we call High School, but it's also very scary. At the end of this school year, I will be a responsible adult, I will know what college I am going to, I will leave my family, and I will join the young adult species known as college students.

Just a little scary.

I am happy to be a senior, though. Because that means that I am going to move on with my life. I will officially 'grow up' (however I do not think I will ever be fully 'grown-up'), treated like an adult, and be able to make my own decisions. It's a scary time in one's life, but also a very exciting time!

The downfalls of being a senior? Four words: College Applications. Senior Project.

Oh how I dread filling out college applications and scholarships and writing useless junk about myself and answering thousands of questions about who I am and who I want to be and yadda yadda yadda! I am not looking forward to it.

This picture couldn't be more accurate

Oh and the Senior Project. I am helping put a yearbook together, which is more fun than some of the things I could have done. But I have to spend 35 hours working on the yearbook, followed by a 10-page paper about my future, a speech (also about my future), and many many stressful days.

Oh the joys of being a senior. Did I mention that on top of that, I am taking Physics and Calculus? Some people may gasp, in the same year? Yes, because I'm a genius...with a capital J! 

No, I am not a genius, just someone who strives to do the best she can do. Do I want to take Calculus and Physics? No. Must it be done? Yes, so I must do it.

My school might actually be easy this year. I only have four classes this semester (not including my senior project) which, I think, is the least amount of classes I've ever had. I usually have an average of 6-7 classes. 

Ah shool, such a fun time of the year. Did I also mention that I will be going this year alone? I mean my right hand man, my sister Sam, will not be here with me. She left for college a few weeks ago so right now, I am the only high-schooler in our household. I am trudging through the unknown waters of senior year alone. But I got to watch my sister do it last year, so I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing.

I hope I know what I'm doing.

I feel ya, Tommy Boy

Anyways, if this post hasn't totally bored you to death then you must think either my life or shool is interesting (I keep writing 'shool'. Watch I'll be writing an important paper or be giving a speech and say 'shool' instead of 'school') *cough Elly*.

I shall stop boring you with the troubles of my life. I feel like I need to watch Sherlock... oh and eat... I need to eat, too. 

OH! But I must tell you something FANTASTIC before I leave!

I am turning 18 this year (a real adult!) and for my 18th birthday I am going to go to a Seattle Seahawks football game!! They've been my favorite team for as long as I can remember and I finally finally get to go see them play! I am so excited!! I'll take tons of pictures and I'll probably be decked-out in all of my Seahawks attire (I have two shirts, a jersey, a hat, and a scarf which I will proudly be displaying at CenturyLink field!). Watch and see if you can see me on TV! Our seats are the fourth row from the field, by one of the 10-yard lines. It's the Seattle Seahawks vs. the Arizona Cardinals on November 23rd I believe.

Okay, that's enough of my rambling for now :) See you later. Good luck with shool!


  1. That Sherlock gif. xD *hiatus intensifies*

    that's a good start.
    I'm sorry you're so bored. :[
    maybe we should start up our gif war again, eh?

    1. We shall suffer together!! :D haha I wrote another (really long) blog post :) but IDK how much you're going to read of it... you'll see why :)
