Friday, August 29, 2014

The Sunshine Award

 I have been nominated by Elly from this blog and her other blog, The Spilled Inkwell, to answer a few questions for the Sunshine Award (don't ask, just go with it). Here we go!

Question #1: If you could choose one liquid to spurt out your fingertips for the rest of your life (at all times!), what would it be?

Liquid gold. I mean I could single-handedly bring world peace! I could fix our nation's economy and not to mention I'd be super rich :) I could save the world!

Question #2: Who is your favorite superhero and why?

Thor because he's particularly warm blooded :) Also, yes he's kind of a jerk at the beginning of Thor 1, but he turns into such a gentleman. Plus he says the awesomest things! 

Question #3: What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

Weirdest would have to be cow tongue in Mexico. The worst part was that they didn't tell us it was a cow's tongue until after we ate it. Then my sister claimed she saw taste buds on her meat. It actually didn't taste that bad... but the thought of eating a cow's tongue was... yeah, not pleasant. 

Question #4: What episode of your favorite TV show always makes you cry (or want to cry)?

I don't actually watch any drama sort of TV shows. Elly actually recently got me hooked on BBC's Sherlock so I'll pull an episode from that :) The episode that made me want to cry the most... oh that's a hard one... it's a tie between The Great Game and The Reichenbach Fall. Those two were pretty intense, I'm not gonna lie.

*Sniff* Conceal don't feel! *bawls*

Question #5: You're stranded on a desert island. A box washes onto shore. What's in the box?

They never specified how big said box was! So in that case, a yacht with instructions on how to drive it, six months worth of food, tools, gas (do boats run on gas?), and a radio. Some crew members would be nice too, but I don't think they'd be in the box with the yacht.

Question #6: Most boring book you've ever had to read?

Even when a book is pretty boring, I usually finish it. There's a small list of books I've actually had to stop reading because I couldn't handle it. The worst was the book The Red Badge of Courage. I had to read it in middle school and I basically begged my mom to let me off the hook. I could not stand how boring it was. No offense to anyone out there who likes that book, I hated it.

It's just... not good...

Question #7: Favorite grade of school you've gone through? 

Hmmm... one of my high school years I just have to decide which one. Probably sophomore year of high school. I don't know why, but I always remembered sophomore year as being particularly fun for some reason. Maybe because I felt like truly grown up or something. I don't know :)

Question #8: If you had to have one fictional character by your side at all times for the rest of your life, who would it be?

So basically, I'd probably want to marry said fictional character since I have to be with them forever. So... oh dear there's a few fictional guys who are mighty fine :) Probably Leo Valdez from the Heroes of Olympus series. He's my age, we're pretty similar, and I think he'd make a pretty cool sidekick. Plus he's a demigod so that'd be pretty cool, too. He'd also be able to fix, like, anything! That'd be nice. If I didn't have to spend every waking moment with them, I think that Sherlock would be pretty interesting and fun to hang around :)

Question #9: Would you rather live in a decrepit, spooky mansion by yourself or in a smelly shack with thirteen people?

Probably the spooky mansion. It'd get me over a lot of my fears, plus I could make a wicked haunted house during Halloween and make a fortune! I could always freak out my friends, too. Just living with 13 smelly people sounds rather unpleasant.

Question #10: Would you eat a pound of raw squid for a million bucks? 

I hate seafood (except for fried shrimp... I can handle that). I am also a texture eater and slimy squid does not sound appetizing. Can your stomach even hold a pound of squid? Anyways, I would try to eat it, but I'd probably puke my guts out before I succeeded. 

Okay! I'm now done. I don't really know anyone with blogs, so I'm not going to bother nominating anybody. That was fun though, Elly! Awesome questions :)

Just for you, Elly :)

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