Thursday, May 8, 2014

Character Appreciation: Effie Trinket

Hello and welcome back to our third installment of Character Appreciation! Today's subject is:


I know what you're all thinking, "If you're doing someone from the Hunger Games, why not do Katniss?" Well the answer to that is we all know that Katniss is a total kick-butt rockstar, it's no secret. 

So I figured, "We all already know how awesome Katniss is, so why don't we show some love to someone who doesn't get all that much of it, but sometimes really deserves it?" I thought maybe Haymitch, but even he gets shown more love than Effie. That's when I decided, I was going to show Effie some love because, let's face it, sometimes she totally deserves it.

"Practically perfect in every way."
Grated, it was Mary Poppins who said that, 
but it could apply to Effie, too.

She really does care.
I mean, look at her face. She really does not 
want to reap Katniss again.

She has perfect...
Need I say more?

Effie is also very joyful.
Chin up, Katniss!

How could I keep going without mentioning her insane wardrobe.
Look at the attention to detail! And those eyelashes!

All in all, Effie's not that bad of a person. She totally deserves some love (even though at some points in time, she can be a bit much). We love you, Effie!


  1. Good character choice! Effie is definitely a complex character. Not my favorite, but she's many-layered. Suzanne Collins did a good job portraying her as a symbol of the majority of people in the Capitol. She follows them blindly - stupidly even - and in the end realizes that she's been wrong her entire life.

    1. Yes, she is underappreciated :) haha
