Friday, May 16, 2014


Hey everybody! As you all know, I am obsessed with Disney. I have always loved Disney, but since visiting Disneyland for the first time (in forever!) since I was four this past December, I have fallen in love with all things Disney even more!

So, through my browsing I discovered this amazingly cool Disney fashion tumblr called Disney Bound. Leslie Kay is the blog's author and she puts together outfits inspired by Disney characters, movies, and rides. She also takes requests! She makes really cute outfits like these:

Buy it here!

If you like what you see here, you need to check it out! This summer, I am going to try and put some of these outfits together. It's an easy way to add a little Disney into your everyday life! Also, thanks to her success, Disney Bound is a real thing! It means along the lines of: to prepare an outfit inspired by Disney.

Seriously, go check it out! 

Go To: Disney Bound


  1. file:///C:/Users/Elizabeth/Pictures/All%20things%20DISNEY!/Dapper%20Day/Wall-E.jpg I don't know if you can see this, but I got inspired by Leslie Kay to make my own outfit :)

  2. I followed zem on le tumblr. And I like yours!!! CLEVER.
