Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Happy (late) Memorial Day indeed!

First I would like to say happy Memorial Day and that I send a very warm thank you to all of you who know someone who has died in combat.

*moment of silence*

Okay! So over the weekend I took part in a huge soccer tournament called the "Rogue Memorial Challenge". It goes Saturday-Monday and we played a total of five soccer games! As you can imagine, I'm pretty exhausted and a little beat up, too (I have a gnarly huge bruise on my ankle*). It was a tiring weekend of blazing heat and very little sleep! 

Look how shiny it is!

My team was in the U-19 bracket which basically means that the girls on the team are between freshmen in high school and freshmen in college. This also means that we play teams that potentially could have freshmen in college on them which is, I'm not going to lie, a little scary. 

So, what's the point of me telling you all this? There is a point, mind you! The point is after 5 exhausting games for three days in a row... WE WON 3RD PLACE!! And got medals which are actually, pretty nice and pretty big, too!  

Now, I know some people might be like 'Um, meh, it's 3rd place' but you don't understand. People from all around the area go to this soccer tournament. There were eight U-19 teams we had to compete against who were all really tough! Third place is quite an accomplishment (I'm actually happy we didn't get 2nd or 4th because the medals were ugly... haha). 

So I'm trying to heal myself and get back some sleep I lost over the weekend :) I figured after such a taxing weekend, I deserve a break (and some sleep). 

So happy late Memorial Day! I hope you got to go out, enjoy the sunshine, and spend time with family! (I got a little sunburned... I forgot my sunscreen).  

Me and my medal

My medal!

This week I also drew Anna from Disney's Frozen :)

* The story of the bruise -- There was a girl in front of me and I was trying to get the ball away. I got frustrated, so I kicked her as hard as I could (I know, it sounds mean). But, instead of getting her leg, I kicked the bottom of her soccer cleat. It hurt pretty bad (I have a strong kick:). So now, there is a bruise about the size of the palm of my hand on my ankle. WAR WOUND! :) 

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