Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Strawberries Are Underappreciated

    And thus begins the random Tuesday post. (NOT A SPLOTCHES!) Spring break is over, but Spring is still here... And with it comes fruit.
    I was chopping up strawberries between a Composition and History class, and miraculously managed to fill up an entire Glad container (I ate several). They were being very photogenic as I led them to the chopping block. 

   I know. They're the most beautiful little sweeties. So, I started off slow. I let them say their goodbyes before I lopped their heads off and sliced their remains into little pieces. Then, I must admit, I got a little carried away.

   I apologize. I should have warned you gore-sensitive people. Here you see my savage blade, resting upon a pile of their dismembered anterior ends. Visible behind this mountain of massacre is a tidy box I used to store the rest of them.

   I quickly destroyed all evidence of the genocide. I'm not a psychopath, but everyone's got to eat.


1 comment:

  1. THAT WAS STINKIN HILARIOUS!! :D I will never think of cutting strawberries the same way again!! U just made my night :) That was awesome!
