Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Childish Confusion

Elly's use of the word 'Underdemiciated' in the previous blog post (read it, it's funny) got me thinking about words we all mix up as kids. I'm sure I'm not the only kid who's ever gotten words mixed up and really had no idea what I was saying. Here are words that I used to get mixed up as a kid...

The Pledge of Allegiance, or as my child-self would have called it, The Pledgelegiance.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the Unites States of America. And to the republic for whitchitt stands, one nation, under God, invisible with libby and justice for all."

Common Sayings:

"Poultry in motion." (Poetry in motion)
This one is especially sad because I didn't know it was 'poetry' in motion until a few years ago.

"A penny saved is a penny earned."
This is not a mix up of words but a 'what in the world does this mean?' I didn't understand this until recently as well. I guess my brain was underdeveloped as a child or something.


Believe it or not, I used to not understand what this word meant. I could not get it until I entered teenagerhood, now I have the art of sarcasm mastered.

"Triangle" and "Rectangle"
Was I the only kid who had insane trouble remembering which shape was which?

"Shoulder" and "Elbow"
Same thing, I could not for the life of me remember which one was which!

"Whiskers" (as used for people)
I used to think this literally meant whiskers like on a cat, not beard/mustache.

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