Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy Windsday!

It looks like a rather blustery day, today
It sounds that it may turn out to be
Feels that it will undoubtedly
Looks like a rather blustery day today!

Happy Windsday! It is Wednesday and where I live right now it is an extremely blustery day. I thought to myself, "What a coincidence, that it is a blustery day and it is also Wednesday?"

If you had a childhood anything like mine, you know that Windsday is from Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (which is probably the best Winnie the Pooh episode ever). This is what immediately popped into my head this morning when I looked out my window and saw the trees dancing in the wind!

Poor Piglet.
I bet now the Blustery Day song is stuck in your head :)

So, enjoy this Windsday (even if it is not blustery where you are) and watch out for flying Piglets!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Childish Confusion

Elly's use of the word 'Underdemiciated' in the previous blog post (read it, it's funny) got me thinking about words we all mix up as kids. I'm sure I'm not the only kid who's ever gotten words mixed up and really had no idea what I was saying. Here are words that I used to get mixed up as a kid...

The Pledge of Allegiance, or as my child-self would have called it, The Pledgelegiance.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the Unites States of America. And to the republic for whitchitt stands, one nation, under God, invisible with libby and justice for all."

Common Sayings:

"Poultry in motion." (Poetry in motion)
This one is especially sad because I didn't know it was 'poetry' in motion until a few years ago.

"A penny saved is a penny earned."
This is not a mix up of words but a 'what in the world does this mean?' I didn't understand this until recently as well. I guess my brain was underdeveloped as a child or something.


Believe it or not, I used to not understand what this word meant. I could not get it until I entered teenagerhood, now I have the art of sarcasm mastered.

"Triangle" and "Rectangle"
Was I the only kid who had insane trouble remembering which shape was which?

"Shoulder" and "Elbow"
Same thing, I could not for the life of me remember which one was which!

"Whiskers" (as used for people)
I used to think this literally meant whiskers like on a cat, not beard/mustache.

Strawberries Are Underappreciated

    And thus begins the random Tuesday post. (NOT A SPLOTCHES!) Spring break is over, but Spring is still here... And with it comes fruit.
    I was chopping up strawberries between a Composition and History class, and miraculously managed to fill up an entire Glad container (I ate several). They were being very photogenic as I led them to the chopping block. 

   I know. They're the most beautiful little sweeties. So, I started off slow. I let them say their goodbyes before I lopped their heads off and sliced their remains into little pieces. Then, I must admit, I got a little carried away.

   I apologize. I should have warned you gore-sensitive people. Here you see my savage blade, resting upon a pile of their dismembered anterior ends. Visible behind this mountain of massacre is a tidy box I used to store the rest of them.

   I quickly destroyed all evidence of the genocide. I'm not a psychopath, but everyone's got to eat.


The Story of my Life...

Hey guys! It's Liz and I wanted to blog, so I am going to find random things to blog about. SO! Without further ado, our first topic of discussion is...


This week, I drew two new people (well... a robot and a person) Wall-E from Wall-E and Ariel from The Little Mermaid

I apologize in advance for the horrible picture quality (my computer's camera isn't the greatest).

Our next topic of discussion is soccer! So we started practice a few weeks ago (see previously posted blog post for more deets) and we had our first games last Sunday. We tied our first game, 3-3 even though, in my opinion, we should have won, and we won our second game 1-0, but again, we should have slaughtered the other team. I played goalie for the second half of both games and I only let one goal slip by me! However, I should have saved it. I totally could have saved it. Oh well, you can't travel back in time...

Speaking of time travel (no Ellie, I am not talking about Dr. Who [if he even can time travel?]) I am talking about the movie The Terminator! We just got done watching it hour or so ago. It's a pretty good movie despite the language and somewhat bad hair/clothing/special effects (it is the 80's for crying out loud). I can now say I have seen all four Terminator movies *applause* thank you, thank you!

Let's see, what else... Easter was yesterday (happy late Easter everybody!!). Tomorrow I have art class and p.e... hey, have I ever mentioned I was home schooled?


Well, I am home schooled! That's why I say I have 'art class' and 'p.e.' tomorrow because I take some classes at some places but only on certain days :) If you were confused about that, be confused no more!!

We also got a Blu-ray player a few weeks back. They say they are clearer and stuff... and they are! It's pretty incredible, actually. I didn't think I would notice a difference, but actually I have! Ours can also play DVDs so it has officially replaced our DVD player in the living room. 

*waves goodbye as she tosses it in the trash*

I am a 90's baby, so I remember like when VHS was cool and then CDs came out and I was like 'whoa! what is this madness?' and then DVDs came out and it was like 'nothing can be better than this!' Well, Blu-ray is better than that (however I believe that VHSs will never go out of style, they will always be classic).

I think this is enough of my rambling for one day... er, night since as I write this is is 12:30 in the morning. I need to go to bed :)

Goodnight! Adios! TTFN, ta ta for now! 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Catch what was at the end of Frozen?

No, I'm not talking about the part when 'Marshmallow' puts Elsa's crown on his head. I'm talking about the credits.

They say you learn something new every day. Well today I was talking to a friend and she told me something that I did not notice was in the credits of the Disney movie Frozen. It is quite hilarious, in fact. Here is a picture of what is down at the very bottom of the credits:

First of all, I think it's funny that they have all of the babies that were born during production's names in the credits. (One of them is Briar!! Briar Rose a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty. Also the last one's name is Wednesday... erm...)

BUT- what is most important here is right below that. In case if you have bad eyes or can't read that, then I shall tell you what it says (try not to giggle):

"The views and opinions expressed by Kristoff in the film that all men eat their own boogers are solely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The Walt Disney Company or the filmmakers. Neither The Walt Disney Company nor the filmmakers make any representation of the accuracy of any such views and opinions." 

I thought that was hilarious :) So next time you watch Frozen keep a weather eye on the horizon for Kristoff's disclaimer at the end of the credits. (Also look for our dear friend, Marshmallow if you didn't see the little clip at the end of the movie).

Sunday, April 13, 2014

And the Oscar goes to...


Okay, I didn't win an Oscar, BUT- I did write a screenplay (I think that's the official name for it) for a 3 minute movie contest. It was a pretty good screenplay, if I do say so myself :) AND!


We won we won WE WON!

We won first place! Granted I don't know how many people actually entered. We could have been the only ones for all I know. But I don't really care right now. All I care is that we won! However- I don't know exactly what it is we won :) He he.

I know. I'm in suspense as much as you all are (you're probably not in suspense but I am). My dad spent like 20 minutes trying to figure it out. But to no avail.

I just wanted to share that because I'm really proud of myself right now!

Here's the link to the movie:

IRREVERSIBLE - a short film

SO yeah. :) Bye all!!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Character Appreciation: Rachel Elizabeth Dare

Welcome to the second installment of the Character Appreciation series! I am your host, Liz here to talk to you about....


Rachel Elizabeth Dare! 
(We have a name in common) 
(Also, please tell me I'm not the only one who has a problem with this picture)

Since there is no actual picture of her (besides the one above) I shall be using fan art I find online for pictures. So, bear with me here.

First of all, she improvises.
Who has that kind of courage? Seriously? 
We're talking about Kronos here. She's crazy.

She's quick with the quips.
I'm pretty sure the first time I read this book (when I was 
like 13) I died of laughter at this part.

She can see the future.
Pretty cool, right?

Has one of the best quotes ever.
"Boys. Totally blind."
(Also, this is what Rachel is 
SUPPOSED to look like!)

Also, she's totally fearless. Even though she has tons of insecurities, she has that 'grab life by the horns' attitude. Plus, she's extremely wise and even with the random spitting-out-prophecies thing, those of us who didn't groove on Annabeth at first, were totally team Rachel. 

(Also, she didn't need any boys to lean on. She showed every boy she met up. Way to go girl, way to go.)

Well, I think that about does it for this installment! Stay tuned for the next installment of Character Appreciation.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Yesterday i went to Barnes and Nobles (awesome store) and I finally got it!! I FINALLY GOT IT!!!

Now I realize I haven't yet told you what I got...

...I love holding you in suspense >:D Muahahaha!

Okay I shall tell you. I got the One Direction book: Where We Are!!! EEEEEEP!!!!

Here's a little background:

Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE One Direction. The music, the boys, everything!! (The fact that they're British -except Niall but Irish is sweet too!- makes it better).

So, I got the book yesterday! I haven't been able to read it except for a smidge today (busy busy busy) but I am going to go read it right after I post this!

This book is a necessity for any 1D fan. I've only read Harry's chapter and it's AMAZING!! I'm about to start Liam :)

So, if you love One Direction as much as I do...GET THE BOOK!!!

Me holding the precious! Sorry my computer is weird and it mirrors the pictures :P

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hiiii, Sven's family....

They can be found behind a certain dam near Matty's Tae Kwon Do... After getting over my initial shock, I climbed one 'cuz they were asleep and I know they don't actually mind.
   They must move during the night, because how else would these trails, furrows and formations even make sense? 
I'll have to take you to visit when you're here. It was an absolutely life-changing experience.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

DA-DA-DA DA-DA-DA Doodoodoodoodoodeedoo

... Seemingly random title.

    *coughs* WELL HELLO, Supercaliwhatevertheheck readers. After a very adventurous ten miler, I returned home for turkey burgers, ice cream, and The Aviator. While I can't say I'm enjoying the movie (agh, it's sad), I'm always quite impressed when an actor can pull off reenacting a mentally disabled - or even just disabled - person (it's about Howard Hughes).
     My hike was quite exciting - we got a bit lost in the snow and found are way again... Tomorrow I have a bunch of school because we're heading to Tennessee at FOUR-THIRTY on Friday. :3 Farewell for now!
- Elly

P.S. I literally feel like Frankenstein's monster right now. I cannot move.

Friday, April 4, 2014

My Day-cation

Over spring break, I didn't really do anything. I lounged around the house and ignored the cloud of homework looming over my head. It was very relaxing. However, we wanted to go do something. So, what better to do when you don't know what to do, than go to the coast!

I love the beach, it is awesome. So many rocks to climb! Sandcastles to build! Seagulls to scare! With sand and sun, you can't go wrong. This is a post about my day at the beach.

When we first got there, there were these squirrels. Now these are no ordinary squirrels, these walk right up to you! One almost jumped into my lap! They eat right out of your hand and they are so cute and fluffy! My baby brother, Seb, kept trying to grab them. He thought they were kittens :)


Haha then we set up shop on the beach. It was super fun! But within the first...10 minutes or so I'd say, I soaked my pants! Luckily, I was also wearing shorts under my pants so it was all good :)

Huge trees we ate lunch by :)

Now I shall simply bore you with pictures :) Enjoy! We stayed at the beach until 8pm! It was fun, though :) I think we watched Frozen twice on the way down!
My brother's hole.

These little things that zap you if you step on them. I have no clue what they're called.

A sea urchin thing we found!

All the black you see are not rocks...they're mussels!

*Sorry the pictures are so randomly spaced and stuff...I couldn't figure it out :)

OH! I forgot to mention I also caught a baby squid! He was in the sand, though, so he was dead. 

'Squishy' the baby (dead) squid