Monday, October 28, 2013
Okay so I have had my braces on for almost three years now, AAAND! In eight days I WILL BE RID OF HALF OF MY BRACES!!! :D The top half of my braces will be coming off next Tuesday, November 5th. I am like FREAKING OUT I AM SOOO ECXITED!!! :D Anyways, just thought I'd share that little tid bit :)
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
P.A. (procrastinators anonymous)
Hi, I'm Liz and I'm a procrastinator...seriously.
So, today (actually right now) I should be doing school, but being the procrastinator that I am, I am on the computer. If my mom were here...she'd be yelling my ear off *involuntary shudder*. Anyways! I have like 1 1/2 lessons of math to do and a chemistry quiz that are all due tomorrow...
...not to mention that I haven't studied for said chemistry quiz. :D
What can I say? I procrastinate. I think every modern teenager does. In the end, I get my school done, so who cares when I do it?
I know I'm not the only procrastinator...but I just thought I'd share my stress :) Oh, and on top of that, I have P.E. today and my brother's last football game is today. So, my day is booked. I should really get back to math...
So, today (actually right now) I should be doing school, but being the procrastinator that I am, I am on the computer. If my mom were here...she'd be yelling my ear off *involuntary shudder*. Anyways! I have like 1 1/2 lessons of math to do and a chemistry quiz that are all due tomorrow...
...not to mention that I haven't studied for said chemistry quiz. :D
What can I say? I procrastinate. I think every modern teenager does. In the end, I get my school done, so who cares when I do it?
I know I'm not the only procrastinator...but I just thought I'd share my stress :) Oh, and on top of that, I have P.E. today and my brother's last football game is today. So, my day is booked. I should really get back to math...
Monday, October 21, 2013
Slow Teachers >:(
So I was planning on doing my History and Logic quizzes today, BUT... NO ONE IS RESPONDING TO OUR EMAILS.
By "our" I mean myself and all the other students. I mean, gosh, teachers. It's Monday. Respond to the questions we have please. For some reason the History quiz isn't up yet, which is weird and I'm kind of hoping that because it isn't up and we were supposed to do it last week maybe there ISN'T a Week 6 history quiz.
Wouldn't that be nice.
So two of my classmates have emailed my history teacher who is probably my best teacher and very on top of things. They're like, "Where's the Week 6 History Quiz? Is there actually a Week 6 History Quiz?"
And there is no answer from Mr. N.
AND ALSO... I have no bloody idea what is going on in my head that is preventing me from understanding last week's Logic lesson, but it may have something to do with my profound hate of grammar. So I emailed my teacher, "Mr. M, I don't understand last week's lecture, could you go over it with me please?"
I emailed him on Friday and he got back to me this morning with, and I kid you not, "It's okay that you don't understand. I'll write out an email later on this afternoon."

Soooooooooooo here I am blogging and such. I also finished House of Hades, Liz. I shall get a review up soon. :P
By "our" I mean myself and all the other students. I mean, gosh, teachers. It's Monday. Respond to the questions we have please. For some reason the History quiz isn't up yet, which is weird and I'm kind of hoping that because it isn't up and we were supposed to do it last week maybe there ISN'T a Week 6 history quiz.
Wouldn't that be nice.
So two of my classmates have emailed my history teacher who is probably my best teacher and very on top of things. They're like, "Where's the Week 6 History Quiz? Is there actually a Week 6 History Quiz?"
And there is no answer from Mr. N.
AND ALSO... I have no bloody idea what is going on in my head that is preventing me from understanding last week's Logic lesson, but it may have something to do with my profound hate of grammar. So I emailed my teacher, "Mr. M, I don't understand last week's lecture, could you go over it with me please?"
I emailed him on Friday and he got back to me this morning with, and I kid you not, "It's okay that you don't understand. I'll write out an email later on this afternoon."
Soooooooooooo here I am blogging and such. I also finished House of Hades, Liz. I shall get a review up soon. :P
Thursday, October 17, 2013
This girl is on FIIIRE!!
So, this morning I woke up at 10 to go to history class at 11. I wish I could have slept in longer...but that's life. ANYWAYS! I go to have cereal, and I find out we're out of milk. Now, I love cereal, like...I love it. That it my breakfast staple. I don't really like toast...and like pancakes and waffles are fine, but if I ate them every day I'm like positive I would puke. So, I decide to make myself toast, but with Nutella. You know, the amazing chocolate hazelnut spread? Oh yeah baby! So I put the toast in the toaster, and I stick the knife in the Nutella...but it's kinda crusty. So, I'm like 'what the heck, I'll just put it in the microwave to melt it a little bit.' So, I put it in the microwave for ten seconds. Five seconds later, I hear a loud WHOOSH! I look in the microwave, and the Nutella is on FIRE! Like ENGULFED IN FLAME! And I'm like 'WHOA!' My mom is yelling at me to stop the fire. I shut the microwave off and keep the door closed, despite my mom yelling at me to open the door. I'm pretty sure if something is on fire in the microwave, you're supposed to keep the door closed because if you do, then the fire will put itself out because it will eat up all the oxygen. If you open the door, more oxygen can get inside. SO! The fire went out almost immediately after I turned off the microwave. I opened the door and it smelled horrible. The Nutella was fine, and so was the microwave. My dad grabbed the Nutella, and okay if you know what Nutella looks like, the protective seal thing, is aluminum. Great. The exact thing they say to NOT put in the microwave. Kids, never put aluminum in the microwave. It'll catch fire. Believe me, I know. So that is what, I'm pretty sure, is the cause of the fire. Anyways, during this whole ordeal, my sister was in the shower. So, when she got out I told her the story and she's like "You know, it says right on the Nutella jar 'Do Not Microwave'." And I'm just like *blink* 'Uhhh...' haha :) So ya, that's my story of the day :)
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Liz's Wednesday :) hehe sorry ellie, but ur post was so inspirational :)
Today I took the PSAT and it was EXHAUSTING! I woke up at 6:30am and got to the school at 7:30 only to find out that the test didn't start till 9. Great. Turns out the test started at like 9:45 so I spent most of my morning yawning and reading FEEDBACK (sequel to Variant). After I spent 5 hours total at the school taking a stupid test, I got to spend 3 more hours in Math and Chemistry class. Then I got to go home and do history homework which I just got done with (it's 11pm). My day has been crazy and I am SOOO TIRED!! I am going to bed, nighty night!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Ellie's Tuesday
Hello. So today I did school. And - I can't believe the words are comin' out of me mouth - I kind of think that I like geometry. This may be in part because I have an Australian turtle praising me every time I get something right.
I also discovered that asking questions and being a perfectionist sometimes pays off.
Right now it's raining and thundering outside and I'm sitting in the living room with Matty. We're watching Robin Hood. >:D Guess what? It's BBC.I also discovered that asking questions and being a perfectionist sometimes pays off.
Yesterday I got the worst grade on my Week 5 History quiz that I have ever gotten ever ever. I was a mess. I knew the material for the quiz - I had studied hard. But I rushed through and didn't re-read the questions and my grade was, we'll just say, a low C.
Today I retook it and got a 90% because one question threw me and I didn't know the answer.
My quiz grade averaged at 68%, which in a perfectionist like myself's eye is probably equivalent to a large black splot on your favorite book (though that's pretty terrible to think about too).
Anyway, I emailed my AP History teacher, Mr. N, saying how sorry I was about the dreadful thing and that I was listening in class and I asked him about the question I got wrong.
Well he replied. And he deleted the original bad grade because he "knew I was trying hard."
What have I learned from this?
Two things.
I will never ever ever rush through a quiz that way again.
And it always pays to ask the teachers intellectual questions and openly regret bad grades and participate in class so they know you care.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Would you
Read to me
A sustaining
Such as would
And comfort
A wedged
Bear in great
-Winnie the
Hey Guys!
Elly let me be a part of her blog! So now, we are doing it together. :) We are best friends and my name is Liz. Currently we have over 500 miles separating us, so it's really sad :( But, welcome to our blog!!
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